
Standard VIII

CLAS PLU Standard 8 Ethics


CLAS: Developing Ethical Leaders

February 11, 2025 - April 15, 2025

Participants must complete ALL requirements.

Conference/Training fees must be paid before PLU can be awarded.

Phase I: Content and Knowledge

  • Participate in February 11, 2025 Ethics Lunch & Learn Webinar or view webinar recording
  • Attend 2025 CLAS Law Conference or view 2025 CLAS Law Conference Webcast

Phase II: Implementation

  • Submit Lunch & Learn Webinar Summary 
    (Provide summary of webinar content and how this applies to you and your school/system.)
  • Submit Personal/Professional Reflective Summary 
    (Provide personal reflection of how you have applied/shared the content of the Phase I activities in this PLU.) 

Phase III: Evaluation/Reflection 

PowerSchool Directions: