About Us
About Us
Since 1969, CLAS has focused on children by providing school administrators with the professional learning and resources needed to advance public education in Alabama.
CLAS History
History, mission, and organizational structure of CLAS
Executive Committee
The CLAS executive committee serves as officers on the CLAS Board of Directors
Board of Directors
These individuals serve as voting members on the CLAS Board of Directors
CLAS Staff
View the members of our staff
Affiliate Presidents
Leaders of CLAS affiliate organizations
CLAS Past Presidents
View the list of individuals who have served as CLAS president
CLAS Merchandise
Get the CLAS logo on a variety of items including shirts, hats, and more.
Contact Us
Submit a form and someone from our office will be in touch soon.
Professional Learning
Professional Learning
CLAS and its affiliates provide numerous professional learning opportunities throughout the year.
CLAS is an umbrella organization serving twelve different affiliate organizations.
Alabama Association of Elementary School Administrators
Alabama Association of Secondary School Principals
Alabama Association of Middle School Principals
Alabama Association for Prevention, Attendance and Support Services
Business Partners
Business Partners
Our corporate partners and sponsors are vital to the success of our organization. Check out our partners when considering a vendor for a project, or if you are a partner, please consider being a part of our organization.
View organizations that go above and beyond in their support of CLAS, its affiliates, and its membership
Partnership Benefits
View benefits of being a CLAS partner
Partnership Directory
Looking for a vendor to help with an upcoming project, check our list of CLAS supporters first
Exhibit Opportunities
Showcase your products and services with CLAS and its affiliate organizations
Check out our advertising opportunities which include a quarterly publication as well as banner ads
CLAS and its affiliate organizations offer many different awards and recognition programs for current school administrators, students, schools, school systems, and programs.
Administrator Awards
Awards for individuals who already serve in an administrative capacity
Student scholarships offered by CLAS affiliates
Banner Schools/Schools of Distinction
Outstanding educational programs which serve as models across the state of Alabama
CLAS Leadership Award
Awarded to a CLAS member who exhibits outstanding leadership in their affiliate or at the state level.
Other Awards
Awards and recognition programs for entities other than schools, students, and administrators
The Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools was founded in 1969 by administrators and for administrators. We focus on high quality professional learning, networking, legal defense, advocacy, communication, and recognition for Alabama's school leaders.
CLAS offers its members various communications to help them stay informed about educational matters including upcoming events, legislation, State Board of Education, CLAS news, affiliate news, and so much more.
CLAS Publications
Our quarterly CLAS School Leader magazine
The PrincipAL Truth Podcast
A podcast by Dr. Vic Wilson featuring school leadership themes
CLAS and affiliate news and press releases
Members-Only Communications
Friday Update, Main Idea Book Summary, State Board of Education Updates, Legislative Updates, Affiliate Newsletters -